Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Things I Like Right Now

1. Dreams of Traveling the World

What an exciting prospect this would be. Its been a dream of mine for a while now to cram my bag with the essentials to survive a yomp across the world. Good trainers, a fancy outfit, a fancy dress outfit, guitar, camera and civvy clothes. That will surely do yes? :)

Many of my friends have made the trip to different parts of the world, exploring indigenous cultures, ways of life, traditions and bars, lol. And they've all truly had the time of their lives and look back on fond memories spent with their closest friends enjoying life. I still use a postcard sent by my friends Hannah and Kate as a bookmark and each time I turn the page of Barack Obama's dreams of my father, I'm reminded of my times studying my Postgrad and their hedonistic treks in the far east. It brings a smile to my face. As they partied on a beach in traditional village dress, dancing around a fire, I was studying my nuts off in the library for 12 hours straight. Media Law is tough I tell ya ...

Anywho, where would I like to go. Well, everywhere really. But if we're gonna narrow it down lets say .... Hmmmm. Definitely China, Japan, Moscow, South America ... Love to travel across the mid-west of the United states too, ahhh, that would be ace. A roadtrip through the bible belt of the world most powerful country, through republican territory. I'm a great fan of History so a big reason for gong to south America would be to do the Inca trail. Berlin too! I can't believe I forgot. To explore the sights of the Third Reich, the regime which threw the world into chaos and threatened the established order of democracy and free speech ...

2. Dropping Weight

Now this may be slightly controversial because I'm by no means fat or overweight, and don't want to encourage people to drop weight when, for them, it can only lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. There's a right way and a wrong way. Exercise and a healthy diet is the only way forward. None of this ridiculous starving yourself so that you become ill and collapse on the street, no sir.

Kate Moss once said something along the lines of, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". And I hate to say it, but she's right. Like I said I'm by no means overweight or obese. But once upon a time I used to look slightly better than I do now. I was a 32 waist (now a 34) and I was super toned and I can't help but feel that I've let myself go a wee bit. I used to play loads of sports competitively and go running over 4 miles every other day. Lately I've noticed slight changes in the wa I look, my face looks a lil chubby I think, lol .. So I've started eating 3 set meals a day with absolutely no snacking and I've got back to exercise. Running, cycling and doing my push ups etc.

The last week or 2 I've lost 6lbs, high five! and I'm just generally feeling a bit better about myself. It feels good to look a bit slimmer, to look better in those photos .. So heres to me back on track .. :)