Thursday, 21 January 2010

Fallen off the Wagon ...

Yes its been over a month since my last post but I must say I've been uber busy in the world of broadcast news. None the less I have indeed fallen off the blogging wagon in the past weeks after ambitiously stating that I would try my best to keep up with the rest of the sites minions. One can only say sorry. Although, to be fair I don't think anyone will really be reading this page. Lets face it, I can barely navigate my way round the site to read other peoples pages, how are people going to even know I even exist if I don't read their stuff, comment on their work and the like?

I guess my lack of exploration in the blogging community may be a subconscious, psychological manifestation of my reluctance to read about others and their experiences. Perhaps I only want to write here, I don't carry a care in the blogging world about readership and followers. By no means do I mean this in a nasty way, but this could explain why I simply don't spend a great deal of time reading different blogs. Self absorbed maybe? Perhaps. Someday I'll dive into the fray and find some glorious people and exquisitely written work, this is something I'm certain of. But for now, I'll keep it here, writing when I can, and avoiding the seemingly infinite blogging universe.

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